Short Description
In 649 A.H., he started his work quickly with great enthusiasm although in every step he took, he adopted the course of patience, deliberation and perfection.
In 649 A.H., he started his work quickly with great enthusiasm although in every step he took, he adopted the course of patience, deliberation and perfection. In spite of his extreme resentment and pressing desire for destroying the Islamic caliphate, and great longing for the treasures of the Abbasids, and regardless of his apparent military excellence in number of soldiers and war equipment, he was not hasty in taking the decision of war against the Abbasid Caliphate.He continued to get ready for it with great patience along five years, i.e. from 649 A.H. to 654 A.H., during which he worked hard in order to become ready in the end.
Let us, just as the Muslims at that time did, watch the steps of Hulagu in preparation. Hulagu worked in four focal points in harmony; and those increased his opportunities to conquer the Abbasid Caliphate. He did all this before the military advance and the coming of the armies to the battlefield in Baghdad. It is worth mentioning that he was preparing as such publicly, in the sight and hearing of the Muslims and others. History repeats itself!
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