Short Description
Prophet Muhammad reminded us to be strangers in this world, as to not get too wrapped into the folds of consumerism and foster a deep love for the dunya without the balance of the akhirah in our hearts.
Arguably, one of the most prominent tests in today’s society revolves around consumerism.
We live in a world where we obsess with materialistic statements, whether it is the latest gadget, watching the latest movie, buying the latest clothes, comparing cars with their neighbors’, or decorating our houses.
Prophet Muhammad reminded us to be strangers in this world, as to not get too wrapped into the folds of consumerism and foster a deep love for the dunya without the balance of the akhirah in our hearts.
In the Quran, Allah Almighty tells us that all believers who say that they have faith will be “tested,” and amongst those obvious tests are falling into the seductive arms of the world, while forgetting that an afterlife exists.
For Muslims, new and old, we know one of the Pillars of Faith when coming to Islam, is “Belief in the Day of Judgment.” This concept of an afterlife has always existed in the realm of religion, and in Islam, the Day of Judgment is brought up repeatedly as it marks the beginning of the akhirah, also known as the Hereafter.
Why is it so important to impress on the Hereafter?
Nurturing the love of the Hereafter will help balance out the love for this world in one’s heart. It’s not wrong to love this world, as it’s a place of enjoyment for us. However, when there is no balance, people will begin to seek out this world, like there is no Hereafter, and that is inappropriate for Muslims to vie for.
So how does one repel obsessions of this dunya?
To be continued.........
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