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156: Sunnah of not saying "if"
Man is frequently regretful for missing a chance in the course of his life, and in most cases it is very difficult or impossible to change the case, because elapsed time never comes back. Accordingly, man may fell into depression, rather he may desert work out of despair which in fact is a negative attitude disapproved by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) whose sunnah not to feel regret for the past. In this regard, the Prophet said: (the strong believer is better and beloved by Allah more than the weak one, though they both bear goodness. Be keen to what is benefiting you. Seek Allah's support and be not frustrated. If harm befalls you, do not say: if I had done so and so, it would have been so and so, rather you would say: Allah has predestined and His will would necessarily occur, because saying "if' would facilitate Satan's acts).
This is plain prohibition for the Muslim to say "if" as it never brings time back; rather it distracts the one from the possible. The strong Muslim should deal with the incidents rationally.
In the previous Hadith, we find that the Prophet instructed the Muslim in the first place to follow the beneficial practical steps; secondly, he should seek Allah's support, thirdly, he should declare his submission to Allah's will, and finally he should not say "if I had done so and so, it would have been so and so".
This is the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) when incidents are not pleasing for us which we should practically adopt.
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